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Breakthrough Business and Life Coaching, Mentoring and Training


I'm Tony J. Selimi, a qualified transformational coach and business accelerator expert, acclaimed author, and inspirational TEDX speaker dedicated to empowering individuals and businesses to navigate and triumph in today's rapidly evolving landscapes.

A business that knows the way goes the way and shows the way to its unseen potential. You can go it alone, but you won't get far. That's why I spent over 30 years learning, teaching, and refining my understanding of what you must master to create the kind of growth, success, and business you love and your customers rave about.

This is a unique opportunity to get in-the-moment insights and answers to your most pressing personal, relationship, professional and business challenges. As your coaching partner, we will work together to reach your most significant life and business potential, profits, and purpose. Plus, you will get the clarity to turn any perceived roadblocks into stepping stones, create a growth mindset, master your emotions, clarify your authentic values, create an inspiring vision, and develop a detailed business growth and improvement action plan that aligns you with your desired life. We will work on every aspect of your life and your business and devise a winning strategy to get results faster and in the most effective ways you thought possible.

As your coach, the methods and tools I bring to my role are designed to help you achieve these attributes. Working together to diffuse emotional charges, build your confidence and certainty, and assist you in gaining clarity in the vision you want to achieve, as well as the skill to communicate those goals to others, is the first step to bringing what you want into reality.

Discovering how to get clear about what you genuinely care about can ignite the fuel, the calling...

I work virtually and in person with clients all over the globe, facilitating the realization and accomplishment of personal, relationship, professional, financial, and business goals. Here are four ways I can assist you in creating life-changing breakthroughs and growth and accelerating your journey to excellent health, influence, relationships, business, wealth, and success.

#1… Book a Breakthrough Consultation Session by sending an email to

#2 ... Grab your copy of my #1 Amazon bestselling and Multi-Award-Winning books, A Path to Wisdom, #Loneliness, The Unfakeable Code®, A Path to Excellence, and enrol in my Mindfulness for Higher Productivity, Performance, and Profitable Life Udemy Course and join thousands of happy students.

#3 ... Make the fastest progress by booking a Business Strategy Session to work with you on your business and train your leaders and teams. 

#4 ... Book me to give expert advice on your TV/Radio/Podcast show, or hire me as a speaker to educate, inspire and transform your audience at your next company or industry event.

