Gigi Berardi
Gigi Berardi writes from Shaw Island, Washington and teaches at Huxley College of the Environment in Bellingham. In addition to teaching food and geography classes, she maintains a popular food blog ( Her articles and reviews have appeared in newspapers such as the Los Angeles Times, the Anchorage Daily News, and Th....
Gigi Berardi writes from Shaw Island, Washington and teaches at Huxley College of the Environment in Bellingham. In addition to teaching food and geography classes, she maintains a popular food blog ( Her articles and reviews have appeared in newspapers such as the Los Angeles Times, the Anchorage Daily News, and The Olympian, and scientific journals such as BioScience, Human Organization, and Ethics, Place, and Environment. A Fulbright scholar, her public radio features (for KSKA, Anchorage) have been recognized by the Society of Professional Journalists. She is a contributing editor and writer for Dance Magazine, and book review editor for Journal of Dance Medicine & Science. She also is an elected member of the American Society of Journalists and winner in the Living Now, Royal Dragonfly, and Independent Author Network awards.