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Paperback Book Details
  • 01/2015
  • 9781478751304 B00T1UE4WU
  • 118 pages
  • $9.95
Melissa Burke

Adult; Poetry; (Market)

Melissa Burke is the author of three books prior to this one and now brings you her fourth book, 46, which consists of mostly poetry. Unlike two of her other books that try to bring you into the mind of someone with mental illness, this is simply poetry and a few stories for you to understand any way you want even though depression and mania do seep through the words. There’s love, there’s light, there’s darkness, there’s loss, there’s confusion, there’s pain, there’s the weird, there’s the crazy and everything in between. Enjoy.
Gisela Dixon from Readers' Favorite

46 by Melissa Burke is a collection of poems written over a period of several years. Melissa is a young woman battling several mental illnesses including bipolar disorder, eating disorder, OCD, and depression. As may be imagined, her poems have a raw power and quality to them. The poems in this collection were written at various points in her life and reflect various moods and emotions, and give a glimpse into the mind of a person suffering from a mental illness. I felt that I could really empathize with Melissa and this book is an opportunity for people to read about and understand what it feels like to have an "invisible"; illness, which is what most mental illnesses tend to be. 

Melissa Burke is extremely gifted as a writer and her poems are some of the most lyrical and moving that I have read in a very long time. Her struggles and hopes clearly show through in her writing. This is one the most authentic, raw, and soul-searching piece of writing I have come across in a long time and full credit goes to Melissa for being brave enough and courageous enough to open up and bare her soul to the world. An absolutely enthralling read that will hopefully go a long way towards educating people on what mental illness feels like and create more awareness and compassion for the people suffering from one. This is one book that I will read over and over again that I would highly recommend to everyone.

Paperback Book Details
  • 01/2015
  • 9781478751304 B00T1UE4WU
  • 118 pages
  • $9.95
