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Paperback Book Details
  • 10/2011
  • 9781595944467
  • 166 pages
  • $14.96
Joanne Connolly
Animal Teachings: From Hayley's Angels Methods
Why do we (animals and people) get sick? Is there a relationship between emotions, our mind set and our physical body? Does everything happen for a reason? How can we learn from an illness or a difficulty in our life? Do you listen to the signs of guidance in your life to make better decisions? What are Animal Communication and Intuitive Medicine, and how much can they help you and your pet live better, with maximum health and happiness, as well as facilitate the transition into the Afterlife, with dignity and peace? Can we all decide to have a peaceful transition into the next world? Do we all, animals and humans, go to the same place?
Paperback Book Details
  • 10/2011
  • 9781595944467
  • 166 pages
  • $14.96
