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B. Blasco, author
Artemis… honored as the goddess of the hunt, the moon, and chastity. Artemis, who is said to be hot-tempered and vindictive; yet she saves the lives of mortals and fiercely protects her nymphs. But what was Artemis really like? The reader can learn about Artemis’s life through the goddess’s own eyes: the adventures, the intrigues of Olympus, and her long struggle for her true love. Through Artemis’s narration, we can meet Greek mythology’s gods, goddesses, heroes, mortal kings, horrible beasts, and giants, while also learning about the origin stories of various constellations of the night sky. It is a long path Artemis must tread to become one of the most powerful goddesses of the pantheon. Her character development is accompanied by Delphic maxims, the most well-known of which is the guidance inscribed upon the Temple at Delphi: “Know thyself.”
