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Paperback Book Details
  • 04/2023
  • 9798988067511 B0C1J1WPC4
  • 312 pages
  • $11.00
Issa, author

Adult; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Market)

Asant finds himself tempted by desires to taste and have what others have, and chooses to rob a bank; however, at the last second he finds himself unable to go through with the robbery. Even so, the prospect of jail overwhelms his psyche. His spiritual mentor, and caretaker from the time of Asant’s teens, is direct, “You must face your actions...”

Asant makes his choice and decides to evade and escape his country, in one way spurred by a deep-seated fear, in another by the same courage inherent in every person. As for the fear in him, it had grown from knowing how his father was tortured and violated while himself in prison; while the courage was supported and ignited over the years by his mentor.

The mentor reiterates that it is Asant’s choice, and if it is to leave country, the mentor suggests doing a tremendous good by helping a people entrenched in war. Asant follows the mentor’s guidance and travels across borders in attempt to redeem himself. His strength grows through fortuitous encounters – a border-crossing courier who becomes a companion; a caravan leader who provides sustenance; a star-gazing clan chief; an individual who feels responsible for starting a war... Through it all he experiences how physical reality manifests from and intersects with spiritual reality, and along the way gains strength and trust to endure.

ATTEMPTS is a story of magical realism set in a fictitious country but a contemporary world. It deals with every-day reality and cultural criticism, such as poverty, theft, and punishment.

Reader Views

“Attempts” by Issa is a fantasy novel that centers around a callow lad, who is subjected to the arduous task of helping to culminate a war in an exotic domain as a form of punishment for his appalling feats.

Asant hasn’t been fortunate enough to have in his hands sufficient funds for his sustenance, unlike his best friend who often bought whatever food he wished for at least once while showing off a stack of cash. This situation, however, doesn’t go on long before an infrequent and supposedly lucrative opportunity is brought to Asant’s attention by his friend. Disguised in baseball caps, fake eyeglasses, and fake facial hair, the duo makes their way into a bank minutes before the end of the workday.  Asant’s eyes lock with the teller and then he suddenly freezes as mixed feelings envelop his mind regarding the possible consequences of his new venture.

A few days later Asant is summoned by his mentor whose face conveys a subtle quiver, perhaps pain. The latter is quick to remind him of the laws of nature which state that to take care of a misdeed, one can either acknowledge the outcome of that deed or do tremendous good that will allow for consideration as an alternate for that matter. Asant is astonished by the choice submitted to him, where he must travel to a city called Kamur, in a country torn by war, and engage in ending the conflict that has seen thousands massacred over the years.

This is a tale that points to everyday certitude and challenges, such as destitution, larceny, and retribution. Readers will relish the mystical liveliness in the text, that offers a necessary metamorphosis of the story along the chapters. Its main character is very likable, particularly when he agrees to take on a very tough task in a foreign land. He grinds down a myriad of challenges as well as lamentable cases in his journey, which may end up inspiring readers to keep pushing on in their daily lives just as this accountable disciple of his mentor did.

From the onset, “Attempts” by Issa Al-Aweel is a sweeping and touching tale that helps readers better understand the complexities of war, as well as the concepts of devotion and adherence. It is undoubtedly a great work and a worthy suggestion in the list of fantasy masterpieces.

Paperback Book Details
  • 04/2023
  • 9798988067511 B0C1J1WPC4
  • 312 pages
  • $11.00
