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Paperback Book Details
  • 05/2023
  • 9781312551961
  • 150 pages
  • $13.00
Because You Can't Help It: a collection of poems
When you feel like no one understands you, like you are the only one who can help you, like there must be something wrong in your brain, what do you do? You try your hardest to save yourself, but you fail every time, because you can't help it. You can't help feeling the way you do, you cannot avoid the pain or neglect yourself. It is only when you realise that other people out there think and feel the same that all those beautiful, lonely souls join forces and give you the help you need. In these poems you may see a reflection of yourself and realise you are not alone. Your loneliness is shared by millions of different hearts. Hopefully, you will let them all in and you'll realise you're worthy of love. You are you, and that is enough. You don't need to change, you just have to be yourself, because you can't help it.
Paperback Book Details
  • 05/2023
  • 9781312551961
  • 150 pages
  • $13.00
