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Ebook Details
  • 03/2026
  • B0BXF9Z1KM
  • 323 pages
  • $2.99
Kindle Edition Digital Ebook Purchas Details
  • B0BXF9Z1KM
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Joseph Gioconda
BEN'S BONES: Based on the True Story of 28 Bodies Buried in Benjamin Franklin’s Basement
Crime is running rampant in turbulent 1760’s London. Pregnant women and children start vanishing from the city’s crowded streets and thieves are looting graves. Ramshackle police departments are unwilling—or unable—to stop the pillaging. Benjamin Franklin arrives in London as Pennsylvania’s colonial agent to the Crown. He rents rooms from a lonely widow and her bright daughter Polly, who become his surrogate family while he is away from home. Franklin and Polly develop a deep friendship as he tutors her in many subjects, while he is busy trying to avoid open warfare between the British Empire and the American colonies. Polly falls in love and, with Franklin’s blessing, marries William Hewson, a handsome and brilliant young doctor who is establishing a private anatomy school. Hewson has been business partners with the Hunter brothers—famous surgeons who acquire specimens for their own medical school in horrifying ways. Hewson has discovered the extent of the Hunters’ depravities and their links to the underworld behind London’s crimes. He succumbs to temptation and ambition while building his own competitive academy. But when the Hunters cross a red line, he seeks justice from their mutual friend, Ben Franklin. Will the great luminary intervene—or is the Founding Father complicit in burying the victims’ bodies in his own garden?
Gioconda (The Pope's Butcher) uses a mix of actual letters, imaginary journal entries, and facts on the historical record to tell the tale of 18th-century surgeon William Hewson and explore a fascinating historical question: why were bones buried in Benjamin Franklin’s basement? Set in London, Ben’s Bones follows Hewson’s career as an apprentice to surgeons John and William Hunter when medicine was going through a transformation from older methods to a more thorough understanding of the human body through the dissection of cadavers. These anatomists were in constant need of fresh bodies for their lectures and studies, and so they turned to criminals known as "Sackmen.”

The novel’s informative but also shocking: John Hunter here is a brilliant surgeon and theorist but also something of a psychopath, as Gioconda theorizes that he performed vivisections on live animals. Franklin figures into all of this when, trying to mediate conflicts between the American colonies and the Crown, he acts as a mentor to Polly Stevenson. There’s lighter elements, too, as when Polly meets William Hewson, and it's nearly love at first sight—and Franklin aids Hewson in gaining membership to the Royal Society of Surgeons and blesses him marrying Polly, while Hewson has enough of the Hunter brothers' butchery and opens up his own school. The story culminates in an epic trial in a Masonic lodge.

Gioconda sometimes goes a little over the top in depicting the depravity and grime of London and occasionally spends too much time on side characters. However, his vivid descriptions and short chapters keep the story moving at a lively pace as the question about bones in Franklin's basement is answered in a surprising way. Gioconda wisely doesn't let any of these characters off the hook, acknowledging the price that was paid for scientific advancement but also posing the question of whether it was worth the cost in human suffering. Readers who delight in surprising historical fiction and the history of medicine will relish this.

Takeaway: Arresting historical fiction about the grisly origins of modern medicine.

Comparable Titles: Sally Cabot’s Ben Franklin’s Bastard, Catherine Johnson’s Sawbones.

Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A-
Marketing copy: A

Ebook Details
  • 03/2026
  • B0BXF9Z1KM
  • 323 pages
  • $2.99
Kindle Edition Digital Ebook Purchas Details
  • B0BXF9Z1KM
  • pages
  • $
