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Ebook Details
  • 10/2022
  • 166 pages
  • $7.99
Paperback Details
  • 09/2022
  • 979-8986814209 B0BGN8VXWK
  • 164 pages
  • $16.95
Kyle Campbell
Beyond Belief: How Living with a Brain Stem Tumor Brought Faith and Purpose to Life

Adult; Memoir; (Market)

Kyle was diagnosed with a Brain Stem Tumor at five years old. This is the thumb-size bridge that connects our brain to the rest of our body, and controls many vital functions for life. Kyle shares his medical journey of daily symptoms, doctor visits, MRIs, Radiation, and more health challenges he's faced. Kyle then takes us on a journey through his education in Philosophy, and how that road intertwined with his Christian Faith... ultimately leading to discovering incredible purpose in living with a brain stem tumor. Kyle gives us some insight into emotional intelligence, and ends by offering fourteen practical strategies for how we can all live Beyond Belief.
Reader's Favorite

Kyle was just five years old when his mother noticed something was wrong with his voice—it was too high-pitched. The diagnosis was horrifying. Kyle had a brain stem glioma, a life-threatening tumor that negatively affects talking, walking, vision, and breathing. Kyle had difficulties maintaining his balance and couldn't breathe freely at high altitudes. He was so vulnerable that even school bullies protected him. He underwent radiation treatment to reduce the tumor and constantly improved his balance and speech. But Kyle wasn't alone in his battle. His parents, friends, and his church congregation stood by him, supporting and encouraging him. Kyle was an adult when he started to see God's plan behind his struggles. Beyond Belief by Kyle Campbell is a book for fans of memoirs, Christian literature, readers who deal with disabilities, and those trying to find Jesus. 

Beyond Belief is a personal story and part of Kyle Campbell's ministry. This book is beautiful, meaningful, and enlightening. A great storyteller, Kyle takes us on a unique journey of self-discovery and overcoming difficulties. Kyle shares a clear and easy-to-understand message—as weak and imperfect as we are, we all are part of a bigger picture. Our disabilities can be a source of strength and an inspiration for others. Beyond Belief motivates us to become a better version of ourselves, for Kyle says, "How we act can preach the gospel." Kyle humbly opens up about his philosophical search for the truth. The author compares belief with knowledge to give us food for thought. Kyle's sincerity regarding his study of the Bible until the verses finally started to resonate with him was touching and inspiring. I appreciated an appealing writing style, wonderful poems, and amazing editorial work.

Ebook Details
  • 10/2022
  • 166 pages
  • $7.99
Paperback Details
  • 09/2022
  • 979-8986814209 B0BGN8VXWK
  • 164 pages
  • $16.95
