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Bus Love: Stories of Life and Adventure with the VW Bus
Tom Brouillette, editor (anthology)
The VW Bus in popular culture often shows drivers and passengers as carefree hippies. Though there’s an element of historical truth to the stereotype, it misses the richer and deeper story of VW Busing. Bus Love reveals the VW Bus owner as resilient, creative, resourceful, mechanically-vigilant, patient, and philosophical—and with a vehicle like this, you’ve got to have a sense of humor! In the first section of this book, Microbus Memories, several authors recount childhood or first experiences with Buses owned by family or friends in years past. Busing Today reflects the trials of finding and keeping a VW Bus. In The Shape of Busing to Come are stories of conjecture: what will the VW Bus mean in 25 or 50 years? And in the section, Bus Phantasmagoria, are tales on the edge, imaginings that could be plots for The Twilight Zone. The final article “The Origin of the VW Bus,” reveals details of the inspiration and design of the Type 2, giving credit where it’s due. Most of these stories appeared over the years in Old Bus Review, some have been published elsewhere, and a few have never been published before.
