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Paperback Book Details
  • 12/2023
  • 9798871998847 B0CQGFCMQB
  • 699 pages
  • $34.20
Golden November
Channel 1994 Milestoneville
Milestoneville is a picturesque city surrounded by Mountains to the North and Milestoneville Beach to the East. The Milestoneville Rare Bookstore is located downtown on Milestoneville Street. Channel 1994 is the local television station that provides entertainment for Milestoneville. The common thing found amongst the residents of Milestoneville is intense drama.
5- Stars Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers’ Favorite

Channel 1994 Milestoneville by Golden November is set in the town of Milestoneville, with the usual cast of characters, including Click Clack, Bridgette, G, JBT, Flower Rose, and others. Click Clack pursues acting, despite skepticism, landing a lead role, while Bridgette aims for the same, and G faces his own demanding job interview. Relationships develop, including between Wallace and Flower Rose, June's sister. Confusion arises over radio station ownership, leading to negotiations and the revival of shows. A book theft on Flower Rose's talk show prompts a hunt involving G, JBT, and Click Clack. As pandemonium reaches fever pitch, issues go from bad to worse, with incidents like a hot air balloon gone rogue, Thorpe's surprise appearance, and a reality show mishap in a jungle setting leaving its infamous participants lost.

Golden November's Channel 1994 Milestoneville features a dialogue-only script, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the characters' conversations and act out the roles in the environment depicted only in full-color photos. The writing is laden with intelligent wit, with interactions between characters like Click Clack, Asterick, and Clark/Clock heavily laced with humor with confusion over the caller's name and Click Clack's insistence on "Clock" instead of "Clark.” November is skilled in the art of shaking a scene up and making it even more fun, like when a book theft occurs at a completely unexpected moment, propelling both readers and the characters themselves in new directions. I feel like each new Milestoneville book that comes out gets better and better, and November's creativity is on a perpetual climb. It's always fun, and it's easy to recommend.

Paperback Book Details
  • 12/2023
  • 9798871998847 B0CQGFCMQB
  • 699 pages
  • $34.20
