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CHASING CLOSURE: Life on the edge of Belonging
This memoir chronicles my life as I am constantly searching for a place to belong. Born in Cote d'Ivoire and educated in both Ghana and the UK,I grapples with being an "outlier" in both worlds. In England, my immigrant status makes them invisible, contributing to the economy yet denied acceptance. Even in Nigeria, my mixed heritage and accented speech mark me as "other," neither fully Nigerian nor embraced by any of my ancestry. This feeling of displacement permeates every aspect of my life. My name, with its Igbo middle name, becomes both a marker of identity and a source of questioning. I yearn for wholeness, a complete circle of belonging, but my experiences keep pushing me to the edges of belonging, creating "semi-circles" of exclusion. This book is an invitation to join me on my quest for self-discovery. It delves into the bittersweet reality of not belonging, the constant yearning for connection, and the elusive promise of finding a sense of wholeness, perhaps not within a single circle, but through embracing the richness of the in-between spaces. Themes: Cultural identity, belonging, displacement self-discovery, multiculturalism. Target Audience: Readers interested in memoirs, stories of cultural encounters, and the experience of navigating multiple identities.
