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Paperback Details
  • 09/2020
  • None yet None yet
  • 278 pages
  • $14.95
David Selcer
David Selcer, author
Ex-Marine, Larry Ehrlich (Ehrlich), is back from Afghanistan working for his father’s company, Zenith Steel, and studying for a masters degree in criminology at a local municipal college, when he falls for Marty Mostov. Marty is the first female iron worker in the county. A blond bombshell, she owes her job to the affirmative action apprenticeship program of the United Steelworkers, and she’s a serious #Me Too advocate. The problem is Ehrlich and Marty consider each other to be from the “wrong side of the tracks.” He’s a lost soul whose failures drove him to join the marines when he disappointed his parents by flunking the medical boards, and then refused to become a lawyer, or to go into the family business. Raised in the lap of luxury by a high stationed, rich family with all the perquisites: an education at a big college, a country club, cars, and special summer camps, he’s the icon of a rich boy. Marty, before apprenticing as a steel worker, achieved only a high school education. Her grammar is poor. She divorced a plumber who abused her, and now she lives in a trailer with her two young children and her girl friend Jane, a gay gun enthusiast who owns a 9 millimeter pistol and rides a motorcycle she won in a poker game. The eccentric Jane professes complete hate for Marty’s ex, Scott. She also claims everyone at the plumbers union hall hates him for scamming away union work for his own side business, and seducing their wives. Marty’s tough, street wise, self-reliant and skeptical of men. Her ex-husband tried to rape her but then disappeared. She’s now handling everything quite well on her own, with Jane, who loves her kids, helping out with them. A storm disaster requiring the rescue of motorists trapped in a thirty foot deep sink hole appearing in a roadway has thrown Marty and Larry together to shore up the hole’s walls with a steel caisson. Trying to rescue a small child, Marty falls into the pit landing in the lap of a cadaver rotting in a storm sewer at the bottom. She’s subsequently hospitalized suffering badly from PTSD because of the horrible fall into a dead person’s arms. Or is the PTSD because of her ex-husband’s previous sexual abuse? Psychological examination at the hospital confirms her PTSD. The cadaver into which Marty has fallen turns out to be her ex-husband.
Paperback Details
  • 09/2020
  • None yet None yet
  • 278 pages
  • $14.95
