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Sue Tidwell
Cries of the Savanna. An adventure. An awakening. A journey to understanding African Wildlife conservation.
Sue Tidwell, author
Sue Tidwell lived in awe of Africa’s extraordinary wildlife. After years spent appreciating the animals in her imagination, the tenderhearted American hated the idea of joining her husband on a big game hunt. And getting attacked by blood-sucking tsetse flies the moment she stepped off the plane gave no hint of the mind-blowing change of perspective in her future… With her initial animosity turning into curiosity as they breathlessly tracked dangerous beasts, Sue formed a surprising bond with their young, government-assigned game scout. And as she became entranced by the tales and wisdom from the Masimba Camp crew, she was humbled by the mystery of the vilified safari and the people who relied on it for survival. Supplementing her own experiences on the elephant-rutted roads with local insights and scientific research into conservation efforts, Tidwell explores how her preconceived beliefs sluiced away under the deluge of reality. And with an evocative narrative peppered with self-deprecating humor, vivid imagery, and over ninety photos and illustrations, you’ll emerge forever changed by the truths this greenhorn found buried in a rugged and romantic landscape.
Readers Favorite Book Awards, Foluso Falaye

"Sue Tidwell and her husband's first memorable experience in Africa involved a species that not many would look forward to seeing in their motherland continent: tsetse flies. Getting attacked by possibly infected tsetse flies was one of the many surprises that lay in store for the two Western travelers in the perilous wilds of Africa. Cries of the Savanna depicts Tidwell's unforgettable, surprise-packed trip to Africa's wilderness and the harsh truths she discovered about nature. Her story includes various challenging and memorable experiences, such as hours of being jostled about in a Land Cruiser, trekking miles through the bushes, dodging elephants and potholes, and more. Coming from an American culture that glamorized nature, as she familiarized herself with Africa's wilderness, laws, and dangers, Tidwell discovered that reality is much less attractive than the way it is portrayed on the internet.

Even as an African, I learned a great deal about Africa from Cries of the Savanna - like the role tourism plays in Africa's economy and why some animal populations must be controlled to maintain balance in nature. Apart from being quite informative, this is an incredibly fun, addictive read. The choice of words and sense of humor brought a smile to my face as I read the book, which also contains stories about the author's upbringing in the US and her growing up with hunters, which makes it easy to connect with her. The book provides a fascinating insight into the reality of living in the wilderness of Africa. It's as entertaining as a thrilling adventure movie, yet brimming with enough information to match a documentary film. If Sue Tidwell takes another trip and writes about them, I'm reading that book as well."

