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Ebook Details
  • 05/2021
  • B0966Y6726
  • 18 pages
  • $.99
Eric J. Gates
Death of a Sparrowman - a spy tale
For lovers of John Le Carré spy thrillers: Don has two secrets. His life is spent as a courier for British Intelligence, carrying the most confidential classified information covertly between MI6 and its agents abroad. Don's other secret could get him killed if his employers discovered it!
Judith Dickinson

Don is a nobody. He doesn't stand out, draws no-one's attention to him. A mere shadow on the periphery of life. Or is he?
As the reader gets to know him better he becomes almost a contradiction. He is actually a secret agent. As the internet took over from other forms of communication, Don and his like were left with the transfer of only the most critical, valuable data.
With just two years until he can move away into retirement, get his life back, we find him sitting on a bench in Madrid, on a mission. Early suspicions are not unfounded!
While only a short read, this story draws the reader in. There is something not quite right, Something unknown is hiding in those murky waters. Will your powers of observation lead you to the truth before it is uncovered? Mine certainly didn't. A short but enthralling read. Enjoy!

K. Brooks

Sparrowman is a spy, a very good one. Careful to a fault, with sharp instincts and careful planning, he collects then carries the information to its next destination. He's been at it for a long time, and has been thinking about retiring. Maybe one last job, just for old time's sake.

I really enjoyed this story. Even though it is short, there is a lot of depth and empathy within the pages that makes it an interesting read. Of course, with Eric Gates as the author why would you expect anything less?

Ebook Details
  • 05/2021
  • B0966Y6726
  • 18 pages
  • $.99
