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Pam Gaslow
Don't Bring Your Vibrator To Rehab
Pam Gaslow, author
Don't Bring Your Vibrator to Rehab: A Somewhat Comedic Memoir by Pam Gaslow is an emotionally frenzied memoir that uncovers the terrifying and lonely world of addiction. After almost a decade of sobriety, Pam relapsed into a life of dependency on marijuana, which nearly destroyed her. In her new book, she recounts a devastating downward spiral that shattered her at forty-five years old. From bongs to pipes to flavored vape pens, she drifted and then dove into a two-year-long stoned void - a protracted journey to nowhere. She was the twenty-four-hour defunct addict living without purpose and barely able to function. And while she was aware that pot wouldn’t kill her, she couldn’t feel more dead inside. Don’t Bring Your Vibrator to Rehab is raw portrait of a woman being held hostage by substance abuse. Eventually becoming sick from marijuana toxicity, Pam finally found the courage to seek treatment. Her journey via rehab from an entirely checked-out, lethargic, hopeless, and suicidally depressed pothead to a sober woman with clarity and gratitude is told with honesty, intelligence, and a remarkable self-deprecating sense of humor.
