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Dr. Brown: A Klondike Love Story
Kay Wright, author
Michigan native Dr. Nathan Brown somehow knew from the moment the fiery, red-haired Abigail Buchanan showed up at his Klondike cabin in a blinding blizzard, seeking help for a friend, that their lives would be thereafter inextricably joined. Unknown to him was that this rebellious daughter of a respectable San Francisco family was fighting her own battle to survive in the rugged Yukon wilderness. The country doctor soon learned this intriguing stranger was Klondike “good time girl.” They are an unlikely match, but Nate and Abby find love amidst the brutal conditions of the 1890s Gold Rush town of Dawson. Abby will do anything – including selling her body – to realize her dream of becoming a doctor, while her lover must protect them both from the cruel machinations of a deranged rival who is bent on revenge for his imagined ruination at Nate’s hands. Nate does all he can to lure Abby away from the oldest profession and make her his alone, but can they leave the stigma of her past behind while making her dreams of medicine come true? Or will their world be destroyed by an obsessed madman?
