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Stuart Scott
Driving Topward Destiny
Tim Scott, author

Adult; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Market)

It’s 1971, and Jack Higgins has just graduated from college. For him, it means the beginning of his adult life, but it also means he is eligible for the Vietnam draft. Jack is certain he will die if sent overseas but feels he has little control over the course of his life. His parents want him to interview for career-oriented jobs, just like his father, but this is not the life Jack seeks. In order to find his way – his own way – he must get away from his family and land on his own two feet. Jack leaves the United States and goes to live in Berlin with a college friend. He yearns to find out who he is and what path his life should take. Experience becomes Jack’s teacher when he buys a BMW motorcycle and drives from Berlin to the south shore of Crete where he meets his great love. To become his own man, he resolves his personal demons and faces down his challenges, all with the help of the open road.
