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Sylvia Black
Eat Healthy Live Longer - Foods That Heal
Sylvia Black, author
Jeremiah 33:6 ESV Saying, “Behold, I may bring to it health and healing, and I may heal them and reveal to them abundance of prosperity and security.” \tAs a senior I know how important it is to change your eating habits and improve your health. You can follow these simple healthy eating habits I put in my book and start changing your life forever. You can stay healthy, young, active, vibrant from this day forward. Start now with what you have and defy your age and improve your health like I did. What if you could make your skin glow by eating fruit; or get rid of acne by eating fruit. What if you could improve your skins elasticity by eating fruit; promote smooth, supple skin by eating fruit? All in my book! What if you could kill or stop the growth of pre-cancerous cells by eating certain fruits; or prevent the onset and progression of cancer by eating certain fruits; or even increase your hair growth by eating nuts? All in this book! What if you could lower your risk of certain cancers, cardiovascular disease, and heart disease by eating nuts; or prevent hair loss problems including dandruff in men and women by eating fruits; or prevent arrhythmia and cardiovascular diseases by eating vegetables? All in this book! I include fruits that heal, vegetables that heal, beverages that heal. My skin may be glowing. I don’t look like what I’ve been through. \tI guide you along the path to healthy living and longevity. I introduce you to new healthy food groups that allow you to continue to enjoy the foods you love, stay healthy, active, youthful from this day forward. \tIn this book, I talk to you about nutritional facts about protein, myths and facts about sugar, High Fructose Corn Syrup.

