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Financial Help Guide
Avoid the Rising Costs and Fears of Inflation! Be a Smarter Investor with These SAFE (9%-13%) Funds to Protect Your Money’s Value! \tIf you want to gain a better financial understanding in these areas: \t- \tWhat is the best investment platform? \t-\tWhich is better, Mutual Funds or ETFs and why? \t-\tWhat’s a better investment, individual stocks or these funds? \tThen you need to read this book and save it for future reference. \tThis book reveals (3) high-yield investments that are safe compared to other stocks or funds with high yields and dividends. Why? Because the first fund is backed by the US Government for ultimate safety! The other (2) funds are based on stock indexes with 100-2000 different stocks for safety in numbers. \tThis book also reveals the best investment platform and type of investment when compared to individual stocks. You will also learn about an inside tip on monitoring your credit report that is simple, easy and Free! \tThere is Bonus material that shares a special investment that millionaires use to protect their assets and get tax advantages with access to money, tax-Free! \tPlus, you will see the difference between stock market Bulls, Bears and Pigs and how this one special technique beats them all, regardless which direction the market is going! \tIf you are looking for a mortgage or credit, there are secrets revealed that can help you save money. Plus, if you have a fixed pension and are loosing monetary value to inflation, there is a way to protect your money from inflation and earn a better living.
