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Goes On, Without the World's Understanding
Goes On, Without the World's Understanding is a collection of thirteen provocative, unpredictable, and often compassionate stories challenging expected tropes regarding sexuality, race, abuse, trauma, art, and intergenerational relationships. We meet, among others, a men's sexual abuse group rebelling against its earth mother therapist; a member of that group as he spends a quiet Sunday evening with the father who abused him as a teenager; an little boy in fear of what the Barbies he plays with during the day will do to him in the dark of night; a burnt-out white professor playing dangerous academic games with his Black lesbian colleague regarding racial policies within their department; a ninety-six-year-old gay cult novelist confronting a decades-younger queer interviewer; and a sex-trafficked young man, now free, explaining why he will never return to the family and life he once knew.
