Plot/Idea: Goode Vibrations of the Wresting Place is an engrossing historical fiction novel which centers on the character of Pennie Goode who is haunted by strange visions that somehow connect her with the strange past of Malaga Island, Maine. The storyline is well-paced and consistently illuminating, with Maine's unique coastal heritage and bold mix of past and present day combining effectively to create a page-turner.
Prose: Safford's text benefits from excellent evocative detail that enhances the vivid Maine landscape as well as a well crafted and brilliantly orchestrated cast of intriguing characters. The rhythm of the sentences is impressive, as is the lyrical use of language which deftly emphasizes the dark history of Malaga Island.
Originality: Goode Vibrations of the Wresting Place is a bold and fascinating historical novel with well written characters and an intriguing plot. It delicately explores themes of societal oppression and the dark, haunting secrets of the past in a stark and compelling manner.
Character/Execution: Safford's darkly comic portrayal of central character Penelope Brigid Goode forms the compelling centrepiece of her story. The richly described supporting cast of characters, in addition to the majestic Maine landscape, blend wonderfully to create a convincing and dramatic backdrop for the story to unfold.
Date Submitted: August 15, 2024