Plot: This well-written, funny memoir is skillfully structured. Each chapter opens and closes smoothly and the book flows well.
Prose: The book's solid prose, humor, and entertaining voice make for a fun read.
Originality: This is an original memoir about unique characters. Overall, the tone is somewhat reminiscent of Erma Bombeck or Nora Ephron.
Character Development: Characters are well introduced and well rendered. The narrator/mother and the youngest daughter are the most vivid; also memorable are the in-laws with their love of fun and sometimes noisy lovemaking.
Blurb: This book is sure to elicit laughs from anyone living in this crazy, irreverent time in the U.S.
Date Submitted: March 03, 2017
In September of 2014, Hair of the Corn Dog made the New York Times Best Seller list (Category: Family).