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Diane Chambers
Hearing the Stream, A Survivor's Journey Into the Sisterhood of Breast Cancer

Adult; Memoir; (Market)

Hearing the Stream: 

A Survivor's Journey into the Sisterhood of Breast Cancer

weaves together the author's own story of her struggle

with breast cancer  with those of five others also

diagnosed. Through each of their eyes Chambers brings          

to life the complexities of this disease, from its

emotional and physical impact to its sometimes

hidden historical, economic, political, and environmental 

dimensions.  Chambers shows how bonds of sisterhood

develop among the survivors, ironically bringing a great 

deal that is positive into their lives.  


Because of her grandmother's and her own experiences with breast cancer,

Chambers speaks with authority on this subject. Her research and extensive

involvement with survivors and cancer organizations allow her to provide a

rich, mature perspective on the many complex facets of breast cancer. 

National League of American Pen Women's Pen Magazine

by Ariel Smart, Santa Clara Branch, CA

 The National League of American Pen Women quarterly magazine, The Pen Women, Summer 2013     

"I am in the Bodleian Library, England, after having read Diane Lane Chambers remarkable and courageous, memoir and research on breast cancer.This study is more than a factual discussion of this dreadful disease with up-to-date information from medical authority... 

  ...In reading her intelligent, moving account of breast treatment and recovery, she certainly wins my support for this vital cause. Her memoir  moves me toward action."



