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Sheala Henke
IDEA33- A Resolution
In the third and final installment of the IDEA 33 series, meet Zenith. Nearly sixteen years have passed since her parents, Terra and Heli and their close allies, Dous and Mianna, accomplished their mission to initiate the Regeneration and a pivotal shift to unveil the secrets to replenish earth's depleted resources. Forced to abandon her to return to the Strata and offset the rebellion against the Regulation and its efforts to stamp out the effects of prophetic proportions, this next generation of hope must rise to meet her destiny and embody the source that will lead to a final resolution.
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Henke's writing in this third and final installment of her IDEA33 series blew me away. I especially admire her use of multiple character perspectives, including perspectives from characters rarely represented in fiction (like that of a blind teenager who navigates the world through sound and touch). It's a deeply satisfying end to a thrilling and mind expanding series.

Note: this series was selected as a gifted and talented "signature series," and part of what sets it apart is that Ms. Henke (an elementary school teacher with 20+ years of experience) wrote it with her students, and incorporated several of their ideas and thoughts into the series. The result is an excellent series to share and discuss with young readers. I'd highly recommend it for sophisticated 5th graders and up.

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“Heli blindly reaches for Terra’s hand, and together they allow the cool comfort of their intertwined fingers to meet the metal and time hits pause.” Former characters meet and mix with new in the author’s final book of the IDEA 33 trilogy. IDEA 33 A Resolution, the trilogy’s third volume, moves quickly using prophetic, thought-provoking ideas, appealing plot twists and intriguing character relationships. Visually-inventive statements and descriptions pepper the book, helping characters, like holograms rising from its pages, to take their places in the story. Even if you read nothing else from this new novel, do yourself a favor and read its first chapter, “Constructs.” Author Henke’s creative word choices and inventive structure combine to shape the opening images of her newest narrator, Zenith, a brilliant, blind teen, who soon takes the lead to move the plot towards its inevitable resolution.

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