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Jim "Bubba" Bay
Miracle on Hammertown Road

Adult; Memoir; (Market)

Every night after work as a landscaper, Jim "Bubba" Bay went for a walk. But on the night of November 15, 2009, while walking on Hammertown Road in Pine Plains, New York, Bubba fell 14 feet head-first into gully, breaking 23 bones, including 11 ribs, 10 vertebrae, his skull and left scapula. After a day in intensive care, the doctors induced a coma. Bubba survived, and when he awoke from the coma, he began to tell his family and friends about his remarkable visions on the edge of death. After a life scarred by the deaths of two sons, Bubba emerged from his own near-death experience with his faith in God renewed and his eyes opened to everyday miracles. 'Miracle on Hammertown Road' is the extraordinary true story of one man's tragedy-filled life, his experience of near-death, and his spiritual awakening.
