Great adaption of a cool comic series
Monsters Among Us is a comic series by Tidalwave comics. It's all about different monsters of legend like bigfoot, witches, mothman and even chupcabra.
This book adapts all of that, provides really cool one page colorful character sheets, a simple powerful adventure generator and maps of the evil villains castle and laboratory. It's a classic and it's very much like the "good old days" type adventure modules that we haven't seen for decades and which are just absent from most games.
This is a great little book and it really inspires me to play a horror type game.
My high rating here is based on utter selfishness. The Monster Team presented from Tidal Wave Comics look cool, but they are not why I rate this book. One phrase: "monster of the week". The first section of the book is about monster generation (the second being a monster list, the third being the team roster), and to me that spells "monster of the week". Proof of the pudding? I showed it to my primary school age child and five minutes later, he was telling me his idea for a 7 foot tall spider that captured its prey by throwing stunning/paralysing webs at them, and how it would be cool if they had been driven out of their cave homes and were attacking a village in the mountains where they live and the heroes had to figure out why. That story-seed took all of five minutes. Hearing this, the other primary school age child wanted a turn. In another five minutes we were hearing about another full-colour monster with a backstory, setting and associated quest for the heroes. A gaming product that helps develop adventures that quickly is a winner in my eyes.
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]