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Nipuna Ranasinghe
Mysteries At Treasure River
This is my first time dropping my pen in the ink to write a book. In this novel I try to look at a SciFi angle that is not a common topic. This book is written from a first person perspective of a young journalist that went to a small sleepy town called Treasure River for a filed report. But when more he dive into the story more mysterious it gets. End of the day the law got in the way to tell the story to the world. To preserve the memory of what look place in Treasure River this young journalist did what is known by putting the story to written word. The reader would be reader would be reading the book as a books found buried in the young journalists shelf. The book is written in an angle were to preserve the memories and for phycological relief. The character that were met by young journalist in Treasure River was for the first time and for short periods thus limiting character back stories.
