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Tracy Higley
Nightfall in the Garden of Deep Time
Tracy Higley, author

What if you stumbled into a timeless party, in a secret garden only YOU could see? Kelsey Willoughby doesn’t have time to pursue her writing dreams. Imagination doesn’t pay the bills, and she’s busy saving Gran’s legacy—the Chestnut Street Book Emporium—from online competition, hotel developers, and the sneaking suspicion that nobody reads anymore. Not to mention all those voices telling her she doesn’t have talent. But then the vacant lot of weeds next door starts to shimmer. When Kelsey stumbles into a luminous nighttime garden party, larger than the vacant lot that holds it and filled with famous guests who should be long-dead, she suspects they hold the key to saving the bookshop, and perhaps even to her own mysterious origins. But answers aren’t forthcoming, not until Kelsey is willing to confront her past, step into her potential, and push deeper into the unknown edges of the garden, where an unexpected journey takes her into a world of dangerous revelation. ~ “With evocative prose and a deeply-embedded mystery, Nightfall in the Garden of Deep Time is what happens when Midnight in Paris meets The Secret Garden, immersing booklovers in a delicious adventure of creativity and the arts.”

