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Robin Mahle
Primal Deception
Robin Mahle, author
FBI civilian data analyst, Lacy Merrick, must find the truth behind a terrorist attack in her hometown. With the help of counter-terrorism Agent Will Caison, and expert hacker, Aaron Hunter, they must expose a truth that will inflame an already fearful public.

Lies, manipulation, threats, dirty deeds, and an ocean of greed leavened with politics, and big business, lead to a sinister plan which brought death to a lot of people. Supporting this tale is the excellent writing of the author,Robin Mahle. This read smoothly and quickly with a wonderful sense of timing all the way through.

Mahle weaves together real world drama including conspiracy theories, ISIS, cyber threats, and China as an economic super power into this thriller. Lacy Merrick is a strong, intelligent, working mother who solicits help from new and old friends to find the truth. The characters are relatable and the story leaves you wanting for more. Excellent read and well worth the time.


