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Greg Schnoor
Running Away From Cancer
Greg Schnoor, author
My name is Greg Schnoor and I wanted to share my book I just released, "Running Away From Cancer." My book is an inspirational journey of me being a non-runner who turned to running after being diagnosed with malignant brain cancer. I was never a runner before but over 12 years ago, my life took a drastic turn with a brain cancer diagnosis. A year later, I began running, transforming from struggling to reach the mailbox to now completing 96 marathons, including 9 100-mile ultramarathons, in under a decade. My self-published book chronicles this journey, showing how running helped me conquer adversity like cancer, chemo, radiation, heart issues, divorce and loss of loved ones. I share with others that failures can be stepping stones to growth and how running with groups can be a great physical and mental medication when dealing with negative things in life.
