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Hardcover Details
  • 07/2024
  • 978-0-9987857-0-7
  • 352 pages
  • $29.95
Ebook Details
  • 07/2024
  • 978-0-9987857-8-3
  • 352 pages
  • $18.95
Colleen Miniuk
So Said the River

Adult; Memoir; (Market)

For 40 years, Colleen Miniuk relentlessly pursued perfection, achievement, and success without finding happiness. Then she found herself unexpectedly facing the end of her marriage. To cope with the devastating loss, she and her mother, Jacque, attempted to paddle across Lake Powell, a reservoir along the Colorado River on the Utah-Arizona border. Like life, the trip did not go as planned. During her raw adventures on the Colorado from Moab to Lake Mead, Colleen challenges beliefs, confronts fears, and finds the courage to live deliberately and authentically. Out of the storms and rapids, she discovers that “happily ever after” sometimes looks different than what we have been told.
Ana Lucia Cottone, accomplished Hollywood studio and network senior executive an

"Reading Colleen Miniuk’s words in So Said the River brought me into a gorgeous unexpended place of discovery.”

Beth Howard, author of Making Piece: A Memoir of Love, Loss, and Pie

So Said the River is part travelogue, part self-help manifesto, but it’s also a love letter to America’s most stunning landscape and a plea for environmental preservation--and will make you want to pick up a paddle and head to the canyons of the Southwest."

Dave Showalter, author/photographer of Living River: The Promise of the Mighty

“In So Said the River, life reflects the Colorado’s pure purpose, flowing in spite of all the obstacles on the journey. Hold on tight, this story is a transcendent adventure worth taking.”

Jeanne Falk Adams, The Ansel Adams Gallery, Yosemite National Park

“Exuberant, precocious Colleen Miniuk points her inflatable standup paddleboard Lir into turbulent Colorado River waters; we participate in her journey of discovery. Rigid perfectionism and control yield to new self-confidence not based on perceived societal expectations. Widely held truisms fade as she learns, by near-death helplessness, that the Universe of truth and love prevails.”

Kris Millgate, author of My Place Among Beasts

"A brave, soul-searching adventure."

Matt Payne, adventurer, nature photographer, and host of the “F-Stop Collabora

“Loved every page. I honestly couldn’t put it down. It was really uplifting and inspiring.”

Stephen Trimble, editor of Red Rock Stories and The Capitol Reef Reader

"Colleen Miniuk's beloved Colorado River tells her, 'Be the water.' She listens. In doing so, she charts both the West’s great river and her own evolving life in this charming and honest book.” 

Hardcover Details
  • 07/2024
  • 978-0-9987857-0-7
  • 352 pages
  • $29.95
Ebook Details
  • 07/2024
  • 978-0-9987857-8-3
  • 352 pages
  • $18.95
