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Paperback Details
  • 00/2023
  • 979-8889638773
  • 70 pages
  • $$6.99
eBook Details
  • 00/2023
  • B0CHN93RRP
  • 86 pages
  • $$3.99
Priscilla Bradford
Something Must Be Broken
The concepts of religion and spirituality are fundamentally connected, and many feel they are the same…they are not. Religion is man-base: therefore, you find refuge in someone else’s thoughts, words and experiences about who God is. Religion blinds us to the real Truth; God is in everyone and everything. All of life is determined by your heart (emotions) and therefore all of life’s problems (issues) are spiritually based and spiritually solved. Proverbs 4:23 “Guard your heart above ALL else, for it DETERMINES the course of your life.” There are real differences between the two; religion and spirituality and I am going to attempt to show the differences. Priscilla Bradford is again looking to stir up conversations across the globe as the Hayward native releases a book titled Something Must Be Broken, where she dissects the concepts of spirituality and religion in a never-done-before way. The author harnesses her years of experience as a minister to guide readers towards knowing God and establishing a bond with Him. Something Must Be Broken: Religion vs. Spirituality stands out in all ramifications, as Priscilla addresses the concepts in a way that every category of reader can easily understand and implement the content. The book is currently available on Amazon in different formats amid rave reviews from readers.
Paperback Details
  • 00/2023
  • 979-8889638773
  • 70 pages
  • $$6.99
eBook Details
  • 00/2023
  • B0CHN93RRP
  • 86 pages
  • $$3.99
