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Ebook Details
  • 06/2021
  • 978-0-9915869-3-6
  • 116 pages
  • $15.99
Paperback Details
  • 06/2021
  • 978-0991586929
  • 148 pages
  • $19.99
Vernita Naylor
Author, Service Provider
Speaking In Colors

Adult; Self-Help, Sex & Relationships, Psychology, Philosophy, Fashion; (Publish)

Communication is one of the primary ways that we interact with each other that can either create understanding causing us to meet our goals or a misunderstanding which can cause us to lose time and money. When communicating we transmit information, intelligence, and frequencies. When we converse one to another our frequencies are exchanged, processed, and understood subconsciously through color frequencies. These color frequencies convey our diversity, and intent, as well as our individual personality, character, and behavior traits. There are four frequencies that impact how to communicate: *Frequency you were BORN WITH, *The Frequency given by NATURE vs. NURTURE, *TRANSMITTING Frequency and, *COLOR CORRECTION Frequency Speaking in Colors is not only a concept, it’s a MOVEMENT! Become a part of the “Speaking in Colors” Movement.
Readers Favorite

Speaking in Colors by Vernita and Nikita Nikol Naylor is a non-fiction philosophy book that utilizes the scientific electromagnetic spectrum and color frequencies as the launchpad for greater communication on all levels. Broken down into four distinct and interconnecting chapters, the Naylors present each frequency independently. These are: the frequency we are born with, the frequencies that evolve from nature versus nurture, the transmitting frequency, and the color correction frequency. At its most fundamental level, color impacts mood and triggers a response, both good and bad. As we progress through life, the colors that are organic and those we have been conditioned to subconsciously associate with evolves, and it envelopes every aspect of our own lives and the perception we have of others. The bottom line is that is snowballs, becoming either the ball you can lean on or the ball that crushes you....and this is where the Naylors step in.

As an absolute science nerd who also grew up in San Francisco's East Bay, Speaking in Colors landing in my lap was definitely not an accident. I was prepared for a heavy read given the density of the subject against the lightness of Vernita and Nikita Nikol Naylor's book. This is a complex topic but the Naylors make it so easy to consume with a conversational narrative that feels profoundly natural. The most impactful for me was the chapter on transmitting, particularly as it applies to the disconnect that has become the norm with the progression of technology. This was compounded in 2020 when the entire world was isolated from everyone else in it. Reading on the toxic filters was difficult because it felt like a mirror was being held up. My colors are off. My frequency is off. And it is true that the transmitting of this in how I communicated with those I was isolated with were damaging. Thankfully, I have the tool to proactively change, and so now do you. Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

Ebook Details
  • 06/2021
  • 978-0-9915869-3-6
  • 116 pages
  • $15.99
Paperback Details
  • 06/2021
  • 978-0991586929
  • 148 pages
  • $19.99
