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Ebook Details
  • 08/2019
  • 9781775001720 B07TZM83M1
  • 100 pages
  • $16.95
Lynn McLaughlin
Steering Through It: Navigating Life Threatening Illness: Acceptance, Survival and Healing
A life threatening illness crushes the world around you, and around those you love. How do we all cope with the diagnosis physically, emotionally an d spiritually? How do we move on? What are the most helpful ways to support others in crisis? In the end, what does it all mean? The author shares her most personal thoughts, fears and triumphs over the most challenging year of her life. The voices of friends and family members right true and move the reader to a powerfully emotional and honest reflection of one's own beliefs and life's purpose.
Ebook Details
  • 08/2019
  • 9781775001720 B07TZM83M1
  • 100 pages
  • $16.95
