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Paperback Book Details
  • 08/2023
  • 9781476691299
  • 234 pages
  • $29.95
Still Rolling: Inside the Hollywood Dream Factory
Dwight Little’s Hollywood career includes directing and producing major motion pictures for multiple studios, acclaimed television series and even video games. In this memoir, he takes readers along on a movie-making adventure that is by turns funny and brutally honest. There are many on-set interactions with well-known producers and stars along with detailed descriptions of film shoots from the wilds of India to the banks of the River Kwai. Included are tales from the jails of Madrid to the jungles of Fiji and the cold war streets of Budapest. The work seamlessly connects the Golden Age of Hollywood to the highly successful premium television of today. Make or break creative battles, Hollywood intrigues, unpredictable studio executives, and temperamental actors are all documented in colorful detail. Whether the reader is an aspiring filmmaker or just a movie lover, this book has it all, including a unique insight into television directing in the new streaming age and 41 photos, many on-set.
Veteran director Little (known for movies like Marked for Death, Rapid Fire, Free Willy 2, Murder at 1600, and Halloween 4) offers an insightful, often funny account of his up-and-down career, sharing close-ups of how he made his own way in a devilishly difficult industry. On-set anecdotes reveal not just the nuts-and-bolts of movie-making but what it takes to maintain control on set, from an untested Little brandishing a one-way ticket back to L.A. to call the bluff of the money men considering replacing him during a location shoot, to legendary cinematographer László Kovács giving Little a movie-saving sign of support in front of meddling producers.

A movie-mad Midwesterner-gone-Hollywood, Little writes in a refreshingly straight-forward style, telling the story of achieving success, first in indies and then at studios, while managing to raise a family and maintain his values. He demystifies the glamor of directing: on a shoot in India, he dealt with lost equipment, a case of dysentery, a hotel room invaded by ravenous feral monkeys, and a sudden flood that nearly destroyed their set and equipment. His accounts of tight deadlines, the pressure to score a hit in three “at bats,” the pressures of financing, and encounters with the likes of Mel Gibson, Sally Kellerman, and Clint Eastwood sparkle with surprise and authenticity. (Tommy Lee Jones turns down a submarine thriller because, Little is told, he always thought of subs “as bathtub toys.”)

Hollywood is a rough-and-tumble town that is not for the faint of heart: “When you’re young, you are invincible and play to win,” he notes, describing risk-taking as an up-and-coming director of action. “When you’re older, you play not to lose.” That’s also true in the executive suites where promises are broken almost as quickly as they are made. A captivating page-turner alive with surprising detail and jolts of wisdom, Still Rolling comes highly recommended for anyone eager to understand how the dream factory actually operates.

Takeaway: A director’s page-turning Hollywood, alive with insight and surprises.

Comparable Titles: Ed Zwick’s Hits, Flops and Other Illusions, Hal Needham’s Stuntman!

Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

Paperback Book Details
  • 08/2023
  • 9781476691299
  • 234 pages
  • $29.95
