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The Black Story: Who Made It a Sin to be Black: Choosing Racism Over Human Decency

Adult; History & Military; (Publish)

An urgent telling of Black history of racism. A testament to African Americans' struggles with slavery, segregation, and police brutality.
Reedsy Discovery

It's the power of a good book like The Black Story to cement my love of reading. Who Made it a Sin to Be Black? waves a red flag to the pressing issues of the day such as racism and police brutality. Black Lives Matters is not a phrase you can replace with "All lives matter". It's our modern-day civil rights movement. The visual presentation of lynching is not restricted from public viewing and neither does the book.


Without a doubt, there's still a gap. There's a wealth of history that you probably don't know about. Debbie G is an excellent record keeper for chronicling racist ideas. She doesn't try to understand the problem. She doesn't have to she writes a close examination that still exists. The author uses this book to give a voice to the lack of human decency. Slavery is justified by hiding behind Christianity. I am outraged about the lack of common sense in managing Derek Chavin.

