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Annie Russell
The Changeling: A New Orleans Faerie Tale
Ashlynne Barrow can see what most others can't-ghosts, spirits, portals to other worlds, and other people's thoughts. When the new neighbor brings fights, nightmares, and death to her block, Ashlynne must find a way to peer through the glamoury of a run-a-way Unseelie Faerie to restore balance and harmony to the French Quarter. With the help of her two good friends, a ghost who lives in her mirror, and a powerful Voodoo Spirit, Ashlynne must move quickly to set what went wrong to right or run the risk of her neighborhood being taken over by the creatures that the Faerie has called in. Will the combined magics of the Irish, the ancient Haitians, and the Spirits of New Orleans be enough to send the Faerie back to where it came from?
