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Paperback Book Details
  • 09/2018
  • 9781999438104 1999438108
  • 279 pages
  • $$15.00
J.T. Michaels
The Chartron Chronicles: A Shattered Stone
Kit Michaels, author
Life is moving along as expected for Jimmy Chartron. He's just started his first week at the Navale Academy of Eagleon. Jimmy's plan: finish school, become an electrician and once in a while, take in the breathtaking sights which include glimpses of the majestic hawks which patrol the skies. Unfortunately, things decide to go in exactly the opposite direction. When a freak accident binds Jimmy to the ghost of a long-ago battle healer, Jimmy realizes that nothing will ever be the same again. An adventure begins!
Readers' Favorite

The Chartron Chronicles: A Shattered Stone is an epic fantasy novel for children and young adults written by Kit Michaels. The new year’s crop of incoming freshmen sat nervously at their desks, waiting for the clock to hit the eighth hour. Jimmy Chartron was one of those students, with mixed feelings of excitement and nervousness coursing through him. Suddenly he panicked -- did he bring the acceptance letter? He feverishly rummaged through his bag where papers, pens, and compass duly sat as expected, but the letter? Ah. There it was. Although somewhat bent and crumpled, the letter stating that he had indeed been accepted into the Navale Academy of Eagleon was safely in his possession.

Fans of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series will no doubt be vicariously experiencing Jimmy’s excitement and nervousness as Headmaster Dunan finally stands before the class and begins to speak, welcoming them all to the challenges which lay ahead. Michaels’ hero, Jimmy Chartron, is a compelling and original character. I was intrigued by his independence and self-reliance; his thriftiness with the pittance he earned each month with maybe a rare meal out; his swift inclination and instant affinity towards the study of electricity, and his curious nature which leads to his amazing partnership with Tessa Marlos.

This is an exciting and fast-paced story as Jimmy, under Tessa’s mentorship, quickly discovers that evil is afoot both within the academy and in the world at large. I had a grand time navigating Jimmy’s world and being privy to the incomparable partnership that is Jimmy and Tessa. Michaels’ epic world is a fascinating one, filled with all manner of beings both corporeal and spiritual. The plot is rich and satisfying, and the story will keep readers on edge throughout. The Chartron Chronicles: A Shattered Stone is a marvelous debut novel indeed. It’s most highly recommended.

Paperback Book Details
  • 09/2018
  • 9781999438104 1999438108
  • 279 pages
  • $$15.00
