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Paperback Book Details
  • 07/2022
  • 9781667839639
  • 228 pages
  • $17.99
Carol-Rose Marshall
The Feeling: Suburban Secrets: Behind Closed Doors

Adult; Memoir; (Market)

"The Feeling" is not your usual story of, "Boy meets girl, girl marries boy, boy cheats on girl," and so forth. The odd behavioral pattern in Michael's personality constructs a narrative not to be confused with ordinary. In addition, Rachel's all-important feelings mature and ultimately reach an explosive point. This is the true study of Rachel's ability to progress in life. It is feelings that promote actions and actions that have consequences. Primarily, it is the unspoken feeling, the one that clearly tells you deep down, that all is not well that prompted the title.


"The Feeling has all the elements of a compelling story that engages the reader from the first to the last sentence. Deftly written in a unique style, Carol-Rose Marshall's book will find little rest on your nightstand as you turn the next page in anticipation of what comes next. Bravo! "

Michael Adamse, Ph.D.
Bestselling author and Psychological commentator

Nicole Czerula on Amazon

This book was very moving and hard to put down. It related to my own long-term marriage and the sacrifices we as women must ultimately make. I felt this book centered around family and I loved how the writer always referred to her first husband as that. The stories were well-written and I found myself anticipating what was coming next. I was elated to read that she did eventually remarry and that a happily ever after can exist.

Paperback Book Details
  • 07/2022
  • 9781667839639
  • 228 pages
  • $17.99
