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Safa Shaqsy
The Fourth Reason
Safa Shaqsy, author
Eighteen-year-old Amal Mati who suffers from trust issues, and works in a small restaurant in New York City, where she serves customers as a waitress with big dreams. Amal thinks she wasn’t meant to be a waitress, instead, she was supposed to work as a logo designer in a big company. Amal’s mother lives with her and has been her guardian since she gave birth to her daughter. Her mother thinks that her mental condition won’t allow her to be a better parent to her daughter, which makes her hostile most of the time. Blake lives next door to Amal, and when they meet at the local café, Blake never sets his eyes on another woman. Blake and Amal get to know each other, and create a bond that only Blake knows is the real deal. On the other hand, Amal continues to date as many suitors as possible only to ditch them the other day due to her lack of trust in people, which causes her to have depression and suicidal thoughts, but Blake is there watching her. Will Amal ever open up to Blake, and trust what her heart says?
