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Jemima Victor
The Hidden Script: Enter the Kingdom
After their long journey to reach Ehre, all this team of four friends want to do is relax with a hot meal. Yet, their first night in Ehre turns for the worst when a commotion breaks out at orientation. Kiru is stuck with Sir Talks-A-Lot, Janeen finds herself lost in the woods, and Eibo suddenly decides to renounce his role as lead king, while Yahri is taking his sweet time traveling to Ehre. The four should be excited gearing up for their Induction Ceremony, the big kick-off and official starting line of the race to the top, but who has time to think when every petty grievance vies for their attention? Everything they hoped for is in jeopardy when they find themselves running late the morning of the ceremony. Can these friends make it on time to the Induction? But wait, hollon, what day was dat again? Discover the bumbling slice of life adventure that awaits Kiru, Yahri, Eibo, and Janeen as they wander through their first week in Ehre. This African American dialect piece combines a two-voice style that takes readers on a journey filled with candid emotion, and petty humor, as it documents this group’s odd twist of fate.
