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Kindle Edition eBooks Details
  • B00NT6MXM0
  • pages
  • $2.99
Michelle Eastman
The Legend of Dust Bunnies, a Fairy's Tale
This is not a typical fairy tale, and Artie is not a typical fairy. Artie is a misfit. His fellow Dust Fairies have a knack for dirtying people's houses. They fire soot from their slingshots and enter crumb-spitting contests. While we sleep, they spread dust everywhere. Artie doesn't make messes, but he has a unique habit of collecting things. The other Dust Fairies don't appreciate Artie's collection of tidbits, so he spends his nights alone. One cold night, Artie's loneliness leads to inspiration, and he creates something legendary. His story will have families looking at Dust Bunnies in a new light and may actually give kids an excuse NOT to clean their rooms. Artie's story helps kids realize that we all have unique gifts and not everyone fits in with the crowd. (Children's Picture Book, ages 3-9)
Kindle Edition eBooks Details
  • B00NT6MXM0
  • pages
  • $2.99
