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Audio Details
  • 01/2020
  • 199 pages
  • $4.87
Ebook Details
  • 09/2020
  • 104 pages
  • $3.10
Jeff Walker
The Long Lost War
Jeff Walker, author
Far from Earth, in. a distant solar system, clone soldiers are stuck in an on-going battle against colonial separatists. John 999801 must battle against an enemy that refuses to give up, and dreams of a woman he feels he's seen before. The life of this low ranking clone soldier is about to take a turn for the worst. Or is it going to open his eyes to the truth? Can one clone soldier make a difference? And who is the woman in his dream? Answers and horrors await him as he joins his fellow replicas to the surface of a planet called... Hell.
Amazon (Multiple sources)

4.1 out of 5

THE LONG LOST WAR by Jeff Walker is a swashbuckling space adventure that channels the best of early Robert Heinlein and Golden Age science fiction. 

It's not easy being a clone. The clones in THE LONG LOST WAR by Jeff Walker are doomed to fight repetitive deep space battles over and over again. It's not until clone John 999801 begins to question his existence as a starship mechanic and feels the inklings of self awareness that the cycle shows signs of breakage. Why are red clones constantly battling blue clones? Is there really a rebellion in the far-flung Earth colonies? Does Earth even still exist?
John brings these questions to his Flight Commander, but instead of answers he gets reassigned to frontline combat, where he's expected to die. Instead he meets Rebecca, the literal "girl of his dreams," who rekindles a long lost memory. Rebecca looks like all of the other female clones, the way John resembles all of the male clones. That's when Rebecca and John realize they're pawns in a much larger game, humanoids driven by something no longer human.
THE LONG LOST WAR echoes Joe Haldeman's classic "The Forever War," with its cloned soldiers and futile fighting. Walker's novel may be a political allegory on Red States vs. Blue States, or the never-ending battle of the sexes. If so, it doesn't get bogged down in heavy metaphor or thematic debates. Instead Walker opts for starship battles that owe a big nod of inspiration to the Star Wars franchise, and early Robert Heinlein novels. Ground fighting on a planet named Hell is intense and gritty, while the budding romance between Rebecca and John is mostly PG-13 sweet with a few racier moments.
All of Walker's tenuously balanced plot points and exposition dumps would come tumbling down if not for his strong narrative voice. John 999801 is a likable hero, one you enjoy cheering for, and -- once it gets rolling -- The LONG LOST WAR is a ton of fun. The plot may be familiar -- even predictable -- but John and Rebecca give this novel heart and soul. Even though the opening chapter is tepid and the prose occasionally blocky, THE LONG LOST WAR nevertheless has the power to pick readers up and whisk them away on a space-faring military adventure!
Jeff Walker shoots for space opera with THE LONG LOST WAR, but scores something more meaningful than exploding starships by examining the endless march of war and the healing power of love in a simple tale, well told.
~Rob Errera for IndieReader

Well worth a read for all sci fi fans - 4 /5

(Audiobook Format Review) 

"It always starts with a dream."
Some time past, Earth's President had declared martial law and war was declared on rebellious settlers, and under the slogan 'One flag, one identity, one earth', deep in space the fighting began.
And continued. 
And didn't stop, long after contact with Earth itself was lost.
The soldiers fighting were clones and all seemed to share the same gung ho approach to going into battle. All but John, known as Mech. He longed for an end to hostilities, of peace, and meeting the girl in his dreams. Perhaps, he thought, that was because he was not a soldier. He was an engineer. Until the day his commander put him into the military ranks with the others and sent them all down to fight on the planet known as Hell.

What starts as a slightly quirky, but predictable military S.F. story morphs into something unexpected as the reader follows John's mission to fight to the death for Earth and his fellow soldiers. Well written, it is easy to experience John's emotions even if the characterisation is not overly deep. And, after it is finished, The long lost War continues to echo in the mind of the reader...
Nicely narrated by Jack De Golia, whose clear pronunciation and intonation, convey the emotions felt by all of the protagonists, and his voicings of each individual character keeps them clearly defined: a good performance.

I received this book, at my request, as a freely gifted complimentary copy from the rights holder. Thank you so much. I had anticipated an action military S.F. story and, yes, this is what I received. But much more. well worth a read for all sci fi fans. Recommended.- by  Norma (


5 out of 5

I won this ebook in a Goodreads Giveaway. It started out like a really grim anti-war story. But half way through there was a change . Interesting story. - Steve Bender (

Intriguing - 5/5

"A little different than anything I have read as far as using clones. It was an interesting story. Clones fighting a war, maybe ending it too.. I am not big on giving away plot lines but if you like short, battle type sci-fi then you will probably enjoy this too." - By Sherri L. (

Awesome Sci-fi - 4/5

"This is a fast-paced book with plenty of action, I love the storyline and John 999801. I was hooked from the start wanting to know what happens to John 999801. This is excellently written with an awesome cast of characters. I am looking forward to reading more by this author." -By Patricia Eroh (

Audio Details
  • 01/2020
  • 199 pages
  • $4.87
Ebook Details
  • 09/2020
  • 104 pages
  • $3.10
