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Paperback Book Details
  • 03/2024
  • 9781735059204
  • 296 pages
  • $19.99
The Mala Beads A Novel of Hope and Discovery in a Time of Chaos
Kathy Aspden, author
A mysterious mala bead necklace connects the lives of 36 people throughout the United States and Canada—each needing a miracle. When a woman is robbed at a Cape Cod beach she gives the gunman all her money along with a small drawstring bag, eliciting a promise that he use what is contained inside. Filled with guilt, the man returns home and opens the bag to find a sandalwood necklace with scrolled instructions. "This japa mala holds ancient and powerful Sanskrit energy used to manifest miracles. Once your intention has been realized you will pass this sacred energy to the next person in need." And so begins the journey of The Mala Beads, the character's lives intertwining with each passing of the beads. The people the beads touch are diverse, each story unfolding intimately and culturally. • A young woman dealing with gender dysphoria. • A Native American couple trying to save their horse ranch from a devastating wildfire. • An alcoholic mother whose fear of losing her children overrides her need for help. • A Russian immigrant restarting his life in Canada after the mother of his two children dies of an overdose in his homeland — and more. The Mala Beads is about human frailty and the enduring strength that can only come from a force greater than we know, written with the hope that each character’s journey will provide something meaningful to your own life’s journey.
Amazon Review

Let's start with a little bit about me: I'm about as far from a mystical/spiritual/magical thinker as you can get. Thus, I started reading The Mala Beads with a certain sense of "Oh yeah? Show me." Author Kathy Aspden showed me big time. She had me at Claire, the first of her 36 characters, who had the audacity to negotiate with her armed robber, and then for kickers gave him a tip. We follow the mala beads as they are handed off, lost, passed on, stolen, or mailed in succession to 35 other people whose only commonality is their very human need to be relieved from desperate circumstances: fear, guilt, pain, debt, regret, depression... you get the picture. And in the end, although I am no more of a mystical thinker than I was before, I finished the book with a renewed belief in the goodness of my fellow humans, that I can find common ground with "the other," and -- and please take this literally --that miracles happen every day.

The scenes are short; sometimes just a couple of pages, so if it’s your predilection, you can consume The Mala Beads in small doses. Ms. Aspden has painted each episode with great economy, but each one is vivid… almost like a plein air painting, which has to be sketched in a short amount of time before the light changes. I highly recommend this book. I write this review from Costa Rica. My only quandary now is should I bring The Mala Beads home with me or leave it in my beach hostel's lending library to help Ms. Aspden gain an international following?"

Pre-publication book cover reviews

"The writing is witty, masterful, and fun to read." Madeline Miele Holt, Producer, Books and the World
”These are edgy and profound tales of hope, love, and connection, set against the backdrop of the 2020 pandemic. I read The Mala Beads with a smile on my face and a lump in my throat."
—Kathi Scrizzi Driscoll, former Arts Editor for the Cape Cod Times
"I love this book. Whether you read it in one sitting or experience it slowly, it's a book you'll want to share with friends, buy as a gift, or suggest for your book club—an easy read with a lot to say."
—Christine Merser, Writer, Managing Editor, Blue 2 Publishing

Paperback Book Details
  • 03/2024
  • 9781735059204
  • 296 pages
  • $19.99
