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tom behr
The Most Bold and Daring Act of the Age

Adult; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Market)

At 55, Henry Doyle has it all: wealth, happiness, a strong, loving wife, a young son, and most important, his life − after a violently successful, 35-year career as a spy, soldier of fortune, and as needed, paid assassin. To the men he’s led in battle against Napoleon, he is El Habibka, the legendary Bedouin cavalry general. To the French who hate and fear him, he is more ominous: a shadow − a Sufi ghost – le wraith qui disparaît. When Napoleon escapes captivity on Elba in 1815 to return as Emperor, Henry comes out of retirement, risking all to stop him – and fails, winding up in an Algerian dungeon tortured by hos enemy Vizier Hashin. His half-brother Peter Kirkpatrick, a dashing American privateer captain, sails for Algiers in a daring, but utterly fool-hardy rescue attempt. Henry’s wife Dihya, knowing nothing of Peter’s plan, determines to free her husband the only way she can think of: by becoming an odalisque in Hashin’s harem. Her weapons are sex, her courage, and her razor-sharp shreu dagger. The Most Bold and Daring Act of the Age weaves together three journeys: Peter Kirkpatrick’s attempt to fight his way into Algiers to rescue Henry; Dihya’s infiltration of Hashin’s harem to accomplish the same goal; and Henry’s spiritual journey as he confronts what he believes is the loss of everything he has loved in the world.
Plot/Idea: 9 out of 10
Originality: 9 out of 10
Prose: 9 out of 10
Character/Execution: 9 out of 10
Overall: 9.00 out of 10


Plot: This novel is a rip-roaring adventure: well plotted, well paced, and full of action that will keep readers turning pages.

Prose: The book is well researched and boasts clear, skillfully crafted, sometimes philosophical, and thoroughly enjoyable prose.

Originality: This is a historical adventure in the tradition of Patrick O'Brian that is nonetheless fresh and original.

Character Development: The characters are vivid, consistent, and varied. Female characters are as multi-dimensional as their male counterparts. Character interactions are authentic and interesting.

Blurb: A fast-paced, skillfully told, and thoughtful adventure. Fans of Patrick O'Brian will be delighted.

Date Submitted: May 10, 2017

Amazon Reviews

Nine reviews in the two weeks the book has been available:

Pearl Angeli: FIVE STARS “[This book] was definitely one of the most interesting books I’ve read up to date. It was gripping, action-packed, with well-developed characters.”

James Mosley: FIVE STARS  “A most enjoyable read of Napoleonic adventure, spying and intrigue.”

Frederick Ware Huff, Author of The Liberator Bomber: FIVE STARS “Another cliff hanger as Henry Doyle returns to the fight. Plus you learn of the Barbary Wars and the interaction of cultures in the early 1800s that whets your appetite for more.”

Rebecca: FIVE STARS “Classic fiction novel that deserves a five star review.”

Kate S: FIVE STARS “Wonderful and developed plot!  A well written, deeply researched historical fiction that kept my attention till the very last page.”

Grady Harp, HALL OF FAMETOP 500 REVIEWER VINE VOICE: FIVE STARS “Strong propulsive writing, rich in color and vivid language make this a fine introduction to what appears to be a series of importance.”

Amanda Shepard: FIVE STARS “Fans of spy and adventure novels will be enthralled by Behr's writing, and his characters just help to drive the story forward.”

Bianca: FIVE STARS “[This book] is certainly a must to pick up.. A good read and well-executed.”

Edard: FIVE STARS “This book contains fascinating characters, wonderful and accurate in-depth historical settings, fast paced action and great perspective on mid-eastern religions that provide an understanding of how those parts of the world think and act. The twists and turns set in a fast moving story will prevent you from putting this book down until the early morning hours.”


