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Ebook Details
  • 01/2015
  • 9781919663302
  • 480 pages
  • $11.99
Paperback Details
  • 09/2015
  • 9780958303408
  • 480 pages
  • $19.99
John Bentley
The Royal Secret
John Bentley, author

Adult; Mystery/Thriller; (Market)

The Royal Secret (short synopsis) The parallel stories of Francis Bacon, 16th C. statesmen, scientist and writer of Shakespeare works and of Jane Gallup, American cryptographer, botanist, and wife of recently deceased bio-billionaire. 1554. Tower of London. 21 yr old Princess Elizabeth obtains surprise reprieve from execution and passionately embraces her lover Robert Dudley, later to become her husband and father of their two (to be adopted) sons. Oct. 2014. Jane Gallup, named Mrs G by her two teenage parentless step-grandchildren recounts to them their Merovingian heritage, and her plans to write a book on it and the life of the Elizabethan Francis Bacon. 1561 now Queen Elizabeth (QE1) and pregnant, secretly marries. Soon giving the new child to adoption. Oct 2014. Mrs G visits a Washington publisher Phil Buonarotti, a friend of her dead husband Abe, who unbeknown to her has planned to steal Abe’s new life bio formula to control world population. Phil is also head of a powerful and secret cabal who seek to bring democracy to an end and instal a global meritocracy. Oct. London. Mrs G by chance meets Ethan, a priest in the dark cold Templar’s chapel off the Strand 1577. QE1 meets her 16 year old son Francis who has discovered she is his mother and she angrily bans him to France where, aged 16-17, he has a long passionate affair with the French Queen Marguerite of Navarre. Soon after he is to write many of the Shakespeare sonnets, including the infamous sexual scenes of Venus & Adonis. Oct. London. After a trip to France, where Mrs G has found Templar clues relating her step grand-children to Mary Magdalene’s child by Jesus, she meets with Ethan and goes together with him to the Globe Theatre. 1581. Francis returns to England to find his mother has bought him a mansion opposite her Richmond palace where he forms a team of writers to write the Shakespeare plays and other works. He studies also as a lawyer. Oct-Nov. Mrs G finds new clues to Bacon’s true identity by visiting the owners of the English stately homes of Alnwyck Castle and Compton Wynates, and soon after guesses the real identity of the androgynous Ethan. 1601. After seditious play of Richard II is shown Bacon’s life is in danger when QE1 in a tragic error executes her own son Robert Essex, also Bacon’s brother. Bacon lies low until after QE1’s death and James 1st is king. 1610-21. Bacon has risen to Attorney General, Lord Chancellor and Regent of England under the gay James 1st but, by investigating James’s lover George Buckingham for corruption, Bacon also finds himself incriminating the King and is forced to resign his recent peerage and is sent to the Tower awaiting disgrace or death. 1623. a released but ruined Bacon dies on Highgate Hill from pneumonia on the date of Christ’s ascension. 2014 December. Mrs G travels to Highgate to find clues but becomes ill. She needs return home to the US by Xmas but still seeking the final clues for her book on Bacon and the secrets he died with she travels to Berlin. There she meets a German woman who advises her to look for a castle in the former Carpathia. There in a wayside Inn she hears of Bacon’s tombstone at a nearby hut where he had lived another 20 years in the name of St Germanus. On a dark night she finds the tomb in a forest and herself dies realising she has found her Holy Grail and that of Bacon in the immortal spirit which all can achieve. Ethan appears as the devil to tempt her with the power to live. In a letter to Gerry, her step-grandson, she says he is descended from Germanus, later re-born as the Compte de St. Germain, a mysterious figure present at the signing of the US Constitution. Jan. 2015. At the funeral of Mrs G in Boston Ethan watches her step grandchildren from behind a tree. They are now heirs to a multi-billion dollar fortune and hold Mrs G’s letter with its secrets in their hands. For Buonarotti to succeed in his plans to control the world he must know its contents. [A sequel is planned.]
KIRKUS Reviews

“Mysteries, conspiracies, hidden identities, and secret codes abound in this debut thriller, which shuttles readers between the modern day and Tudor England. As Mrs G’s quest for answers takes her to England, and then to France, Germany and Hungary, she finds herself drawn to Ethan, a mysterious handsome priest. Little does she know that Ethan is more than he seems. Mrs. G proves herself an engaging heroine. Meanwhile, her story is intertwined with that of the life of Bacon as the novel alternates between past and present, spinning the tale of Bacon’s conception, birth, youth, career, and death. A dense, theory-packed book that will appeal to lovers of historical conspiracies.”

Ebook Details
  • 01/2015
  • 9781919663302
  • 480 pages
  • $11.99
Paperback Details
  • 09/2015
  • 9780958303408
  • 480 pages
  • $19.99
