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John Blossom
The Tunes of Lenore
John Blossom, author

Young Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Market)

National Indie Excellence Award Finalist 2019 Ella is sixteen and her ex-hippie parents are getting a divorce. Reluctantly, she is headed to a boarding school on a remote ranch where things are so rustic that she is required to chop her own firewood just to have hot water. Surprisingly, the boys are hot there too, and soon Ella's troubles at home are not nearly as compelling as her romantic adventures and the challenging adjustments she faces in her vastly more organic school. On her team is Jenny, a quantumly-altered golden retriever who can communicate like no other dog in the world, and Lenore, her grandfather's old fiddle who provides comfort and needed cosmic guidance. Ella battles loneliness, sadness about her parents' divorce, confusion about sex, a troubled mentor who is not who he seems, and a camping trip that goes incredibly awry. Tragedies and triumphs shape all of us, but especially Ella who, after all her struggles to know herself and fit in, learns that setting free the spirit of someone who means everything to you can be the only way to find true love.
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