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Paperback Book Details
  • 07/2018
  • 9781982970086 1982970081
  • 39 pages
  • $$8.95
David Hughes
Author, Illustrator
Too Many Scotties!

"Too Many Scotties" is the story of a little girl whose every wish comes true. She learns very quickly that not evey wish is a good one.


"What a neat book for any child to read who loves scotties, or who WILL love them when it's over, and also, learn a lesson about HOW MUCH is ENOUGH...great book to purchase:)"

As a lay Sunday school teacher and a Bookmate (Literacy Project), I have read many books to young children. The Chalice Children are 3-4 years old: The day of the reading we were exploring imagination, a form of spirituality that develops early in us humans. The children were total engrossed in Too Many Scotties?, even my wiggly ones.

"The pictures are darling but the plot was the magic. The whole group was engaged and full of ideas and comments after the reading, just what we are after in a Unitarian Universalist RE class. I recommend this book to anyone that wants to explore the power of imagination with a child or group of children."

Paperback Book Details
  • 07/2018
  • 9781982970086 1982970081
  • 39 pages
  • $$8.95
