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ebook Details
  • 06/2024
  • 979-8-9908192-0-7
  • 326 pages
  • $2.99
A. L. Gordon
Trailing Darkness
A. L. Gordon, Author
Do you believe in angels? Would you know if you met one? Would you know if you were one? Brienna is a normal, somewhat quirky, human being—or so she thinks—until one day, the archangel Michael visits her and she finds herself tasked with the responsibility of sealing the nine Gates to Hell that reside on Earth. Amid the growing evil that has been infecting the Earth and disturbing the balance between light and dark, Brienna must travel the world in a race against time to prevent the underworld from rising. But as in the quests of old, with great responsibility comes great tribulations. Can Brienna survive her adventures and seal all of the Hell Gates or will the Earth fall to darkness? Trailing Darkness is the first book in the Savior of the Light series and ends on a cliffhanger. Content This book contains references to car accidents, brain injuries, chronic pain, depression, PTSD, murder, sacrificial rituals, and violence. Some of the scenes may also be considered graphic. If you find any of these topics triggering, please be advised.
Plot/Idea: 8 out of 10
Originality: 7 out of 10
Prose: 7 out of 10
Character/Execution: 7 out of 10
Overall: 7.25 out of 10


Plot/Idea: Trailing Darkness is a tense and involving fantasy thriller which sees Brienna pitting her wits against a growing evil uprising. The frequently suspenseful storyline flows at an agreeable pace and deals with powerful themes such as chronic pain, PTSD, and ritual sacrifice.

Prose: Gordon's text is intensely dramatic, imaginative, and riddled with scenes that are shocking and surprising. The story is told in accessible, straightforward language, bolstered by strong, authentic, and believable character interactions.

Originality: Trailing Darkness is the first book of the Saviour of the Light series, and it shows undoubted promise for future entries. The text is easy to follow and while it does not really venture into new or exciting territory, it manages to feel consistenly engaging throughout.

Character/Execution: Gordon's central characters, Brienna and Archangel Michael, are convincingly realized, faced with a dark, daunting, and seemingly insurmountable challenge. The level of detail in the character descriptions is impressive, revealing their unique personalities very effectively.

Blurb: A bold and gripping fantasy thriller.

Date Submitted: July 16, 2024

ebook Details
  • 06/2024
  • 979-8-9908192-0-7
  • 326 pages
  • $2.99
